1. Use an H2 tag to create a large label for the top of your web page

    Coder Dojo Week 5 Final Project

  2. Use the <div> tag with a style="width:100%;border:1px solid black" to get a box like the one below
    Welcome to my web page!
  3. Modify the style to change the background color using background-color:colorname
    Welcome to my green div!
  4. 3) Modify the style center the text using text-align:center
    Welcome to my green div!
  5. In your CSS page, make all divs bold using div { font-weight:bold }
    All of your text should be bold in your <div> tags
  6. While in your CSS page, give all divs bigger using padding:10px;
    All of your <div> tags should have more room around the text
  7. Add an image to your page using the <img src="https://goo.gl/rU1USQ" style="height:150px;"> tag. If you remember how to, you can go to google image search and copy image url to get your own image source for your image
  8. add an onclick='PicClick()' to your image. This will allow you to click on your picture and run some javascript. Note, nothing will happen yet when you click on it
  9. In your javascript, add a function to handle your picture click.
    function PicClick(){
        alert('You clicked the picture!');
    Now click the picture, and you should get an alert at the top of your screen
  10. Now, let's add an input box to get some information from the user. <input type="text" id="name"> <input type="button" onclick="sayHi()" value="Say Hi"> Note, nothing will happen yet when you click on it
  11. In your javascript, add a function to handle your button click.
    function sayHi() {
        var name = document.getElementById('name').value;
        alert('hello ' + name);
    Enter a name and click the button. You should get an alert at the top of your screen

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